Clear Answers To Your Estate Planning Questions

“Celebrate and Educate!” National Estate Planning Awareness Month 2020

On Behalf of | May 8, 2024 | Firm News

October is National Estate Planning Awareness Month! Our motto this year is “Celebrate and Educate!” To do this, BOOK LAW FIRM will be hosting weekly Facebook LIVE events around different estate planning topics to help our community answer the most important estate planning questions. We believe knowledge is power, and this campaign is all a part of how we make estate planning easy. We hope you will join us for each of the following event topics:

Wednesday September 30, 2020 KICKOFF – Busting Common Estate Planning  Myths : There is lots of misinformation out there on estate planning. We’ll kick our series off by breaking down these myths and gaining perspective on the importance of planning the right way.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 –   Powers of Attorney: What they are, how they work (and sometimes don’t work), and the recent COVID changes you need to know about.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 –   Wills and Trusts. What actually IS a Trust? How is it different from  a Will. When does one work better that the other?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 –  Long Term Care Planning.  Unpacking long term care planning and why waiting to plan for it is not an option.

Wednesday, October 27, 2020 –  Planning Essentials for Blended Families. Our blended families seminar was in such demand that we wanted to offer it as a LIVE event also. Join us as we close the month with topical planning tips for blended families.

I can’t wait to see you there!

The post “Celebrate and Educate!” National Estate Planning Awareness Month 2020 appeared first on BOOK LAW FIRM.